Learn Digital Photography Basics with Bron Flutterby

Bron Flutterby

get Ready …!
I  am very excited as I kicked off Term 2 yesterday, with Learn Digital Photography Basics – Part 1 – Monday Class at The Basin Community House. This means new flutterby’s aboard!
I am running two basics classes this term, with the other class being held on Thursday Nights.
Get set for adventure those of you who are participating in my short courses this term!

Over the next 8 weeks, you all will become equipped with a whole new skill set.. you will never see the world the same again, its part of the process, the flutterby process.

So welcome aboard the flutterby train! Stopping all stations past automatic mode!!

Bron Flutterby

ALL ABOARD! Learn Digital Photography & Photoshop with Bron Flutterby

bron flutterby

What a fabulous journey for not only those who completed my short courses, but also very exciting for myself and The Basin Community House.

Term One – I started the term with 30 participants! Some new, and some who have completed my previous courses. I am so pleased to have you all on board the flutterby train.

With the help from the state government, we received funding for my workshops, which now have been turned into 8 week short courses!

This has been a huge success so far with the popularity of my courses skyrocketing.

As I had 5 workshops a week for two months… this means steady work for me!  I have had so many people say to me ‘You love your job’ …. ‘You are doing what you love’

Yes I do!

I have developed the courses, the criteria, the content and practical activities for all of my participants, as it hits the 2.5 yr mark when I begun teaching workshops.

I have been benefiting from ‘word of mouth’ .. the most powerful advertising there is!

Somehow I have managed to be a teacher, a mentor, an inspiration and most important initiating the learning process within a wide array of people.

What a pleasure to see you all not only master your digital camera settings, but also I see you all using your newly acquired skills to have the confidence to experiment more! Top Job! I have witnessed your transformation over the past 8 weeks. Amazing to see, even more amazing to initiate.

Now you all see the word different – a world of perceptions… Welcome to my world….your life will never be the same!

This is a reminder I am on the right path, as I am looking forward to Term 2 – the next set of short courses starting next week. I will be seeing most of you for Learn Digital Photography Part 2, and Photoshop, oh yes there is more in store!

As part of the funding we receive, it is required the participants fill out a survey before and after the course.  I was very impressed and chuffed to see everybody rating my courses and their learning experience 5 STARS! Well executed and delivered.

As confidence building works both ways- I too have grown and developed with so many personal achievements and stronger teaching skills.

Here is a gallery of  the group photos we took on the last class. Good Memories… Now, everybody .. SMILE! I am so PROUD beyond words.

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A World of Perceptions

Its part of the process. The Flutterby Process. A World of Perceptions….

I am so pleased to be hosting 3 x Digital Photography Basics classes this term, as the demand is …. HIGH!

I first began running workshops 2.5 years ago, and gees, what a journey it has been so far!

I am meeting lots of new flutterby’s as I also reunite with those who have completed my previous courses and have come back for more!

This is when I know… I am extraordinary! I am creating, ever changing,  adapting …well and truly hatched from my cocoon. Call it Metamorphosis.

I am lucky to have the support of The Basin Community House,  as the ladies also do a lot of work behind the scenes to make this all possible.

As I progress in my teaching career, I am always developing new ideas and the ability to adapt to many different sorts of people, which are all lovely and keen the learn.  Call it the law of attraction.

Wow, it is all happening as I am also teaching Photoshop! Far out… now I can say…. I love my job!! I am counting my blessings everyday as persistence is key.

It is all part of the process…

Here are the flyers for Term 2 as they are unleashed!

Bron Flutterby Bron FlutterbyBron Flutterby

and here I am.. !

Bron Flutterby

master your Digital Camera


In Reflection …

The following photographs were taken whilst I was hosting my last photography class for the year 2014. An introduction … here is my class.
Bron Flutterby
The location – Skyhigh, Mt. Dandenong. For those of you familiar with this location know what a spectacular view of the city awaits.
For sure I am always thinking about the weather conditions as hosting a class on top of the mountain is risky as the weather can be unpredictable. Keeping this in mind, the best time to shoot landscapes is when the weather is ever changing ! I can tell you all, we were in for a show!
A light show, there was a storm brewing over Melbourne, which we could see from our point of view
Bron Flutterby
Lucky enough it was not raining where we were. As we were also witnessing a spectacular sunset ! These photographs have NOT been re touched, I used techniques like white balance to really draw out the spectrum of light waves that are not visible to us, until we can capture it …
sunset skies
As we all had our tripods,  the class was all about LANDSCAPES! What a show we had before us, as we all had to be quick with our camera skills as I gave guidance as well as capturing the skies myself to determine the best camera settings. Then, I hear my participants all saying ‘Wow .. look at this photo’ this rings bells of relief as they are very happy with their results ! Yes, I have equipped them with the skills they need!
The sunset was sublime
Bron Flutterby
slight adjustments with exposure
Bron Flutterby
and wow, check out these skies
Bron Flutterby

I was quick to learn that this was in fact a very popular spot that night,  lots of people and tourists arriving for the light show !

Bron Flutterby

As we were all set up , ACTION!!

Bron Flutterby

And in reflection

Bron flutterby

Well, it is an Observatory ! I was also observing our reflections. Can you see me doing the peace sign?

Bron Flutterby


and the moon!
bron flutterby
and the view ..
Bron Flutterby
This is where it gets interesting
sky 05 800 wm
As we could hear the rumble of thunder in the distance we begun to witness a hell of a storm ! The storm was still in the distance which was perfect for us keen photographers, braving it ! BOOM! Electricity in the air, as I was jumping up and down with excitement! I could not have asked for better conditions to send off my class with.

Look! FORK LIGHTNING! My first ever fork lightning shot. What a Buzz!! Although its small there on the right hand side of the image, I was still very excited as I tick it off the bucket list!

Bron Flutterby

And… Sheet Lightning ! I can tell you, it was very dark, until the skies lit up ! I was taking 30 second exposures here, pointing and shooting, hoping for the best ….! It seemed just where I moved my camera I would miss it, until I got this image below, even in comparison with the above image, you can see how much the skies lit up ! BOOM!!

Bron Flutterby

The excitement was certainly all happening as we were at the observatory for a total of 3 hours , and all these weather systems! I am truly blessed, its a reminder that I am dong the right thing, intuitively as I take risks!

In Reflection – I would certainly do this again!


So, as I begun to download my images, I saw that processing was not needed, as the shots were truly beautiful already. All I needed to do was resize the images and add my watermark. Oh, a photographers dream !

Then I get ‘the itch ..’ to do something creative and abstract with my set of images. Below is what I came up with in Photoshop. Seeing I used to do this sort of thing in the ‘darkroom’ , creating double exposures,  has always been a favorite of mine.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this post as I have been looking forward to showing you all.

bron flutterby

Take Flight …! Flutterby insight ..

As we draw close to August, this also brings to attention of the two year anniversary of my workshops!
I am excited as my idea to run workshops at community houses has really been an amazing journey, far beyond what I thought possible! Call it a hunch perhaps, as I look through the art I created at the beginning of my workshop development process, I notice how powerful the symbols are.
Interesting, as I look through these images, I can notice my ideas blooming to fruition! These images and concept art is for sure intuitive, as the series is titled “Power of creation”
I drew inspiration from the stories of indigenous Australians. In particular the Wurundjeri Tribe, located in Victoria. I immediately was drawn to the magic of creation ideologies and beliefs. These concepts played a big role in the attempt to create art work for my digital photography and photoshop workshops. As I review these images today, I find it even hard to put onto words .. call it MAGIC!!
I have welcomed over 100 participants so far, who have taken part in digital photography and my photoshop classes, around the Dandynong Ranges. Most of which partook in Digital Photography Part one and Part Two ~ !! I am so pleased to see the amazing, professional results that are being produced, all due to my workshops! WOW!!
One of the hardest struggles for me has been financially as I started my business from scratch ! zip, zero , ziltch funding as I was a broke student for two years. I had a canon powershot G3 , when I begun teaching others how to use their digital SLRS!
So, my present to me, after my first set of workshops ~ A brand new DSLR! This was an epiphany! Absolutely, as I had struggled for so many years in my life with financial difficulties and not so good circumstances. As soon as I begun to make changes in my life, I received so many blessings!
Confidence! I had struggles with believing in myself and very low self esteem due to many years of abuse. This dark part of my life is a tiny grain of sand in the distace for me now, and I have managed to project myself so far forward and beyond my limited pattern of thinking. I am so blessed to have a beautiful partner who is so supportive and loving, this too had aided me in loving myself again.

So thank you to everybody who have been part of my courses, and you are all part of the flutterby process!

Symbolism ~ The hands ~ representing the touch to create with our hands
~Moon~ Subconscious awareness, dreams, inner goddess
~Puddle Mud~ The creation of women
~Bunjill~ The bringer of life – Eagle, arrival on Earth
~Pleiades~ Seven sister’s
~Buttyerfly~ metamorphosis.

Paint with LIGHT !

Hi all, been awhile since I have been on the wordpress. I am more and more steering away form social media, as in Facebook to share my posts as their algorithms are getting more and more complex .. and monitored ! So, I have made a promise to myself .. WORDPRESS MORE !!! Here is a flyer I just whipped up for my up and coming workshop.
Learn How to use your digital camera! I will be hosting this workshop at the local cafe in Upwey , victoria @ Abitza!


Learn how to use your digital camera

Learn digital photography

Learn digital photography
I am excited to announce the next set of workshops coming up at The Basin Community House, especially digital photography part two .. !
Part One – camera menu system, elements of exposure, elements of composition, depth of field.
Part Two – shadow & light , shooting in black & white , reflections & transparency , landscape & portrait tips.
Head to my website for details http://www.flutterbycreative.com

Digital Photography Workshops @kallista community house

Learn how to turn your camera off AUTO
Flutterby would like to announce the dates for this set of Digital Photography Workshops at Kallista Community House, coming up in October!
Topics for this set of workshops are:
Elements of Exposure , Composition & Aperture , learn the technology behind digital photography, and tap into your artistic self , become a flutterby!
Kallista Community House : http://www.kallistacommunityhouse.org.au/
Check out Bron Flutterby’s website ! http://www.flutterbycreative.com/
Bron will also be offering Digital Photography Part 1 at The Basin Community House , in Term 4, dates to be announced shortly..!

Learn digital photography

Flutterby’s set of workshops for Term 4 at Kallista Community House